Friday, January 1, 2010

Resolutions 2010

Resolution 2010...#1...marathon maniac...going for bronze...3 marathons in 90 days
Resolution 2010...#2...something new...try 52 new things this year
Resolution 2010...#3...figure out what I want to be when I grow up...what color is my parachute?

Resolution 2010...#4...prepare to climb Mt Rainier


  1. I like all your resolutions....esp #3 :)

    Health and Happiness to you and yours!

  2. Oh, you asked about my running goals. I'd like to stay consistent, clean up my nutrition, stay healthy run another 50 miler then shoot for 100K.

    I know a few marathon maniacs...... crazy bunch!

  3. Good luck with your resolutions and Happy New Year!
