Monday, January 17, 2011

Mt Si 50K

I have signed up for my first ultra event, Mt Si 50K on April 10th. I'm reading a ton about training and fuel. The most common advice is to run back to back long runs on Saturday-Sunday. This weekend was the mileage build up, Saturday 8 miles with a pace group and Sunday 12 miles on the trail. I managed a swim workout on Saturday as well, building up that base from 800.

I'm investigating the nutrition aspect of this type of training. Dean Karnazes apparently eats whole pizzas.


  1. Wooo HOOO! You will be great!
    Experiment with your fueling and find what you like. Just like the marathon.

    I've stuck with bars, gels and blocks and relied heavily on aid stations for things that just look really appealing at the moment.

    Experiment with things that you can carry with you.

    You won't need an entire pizza ... unless you want. :D Shoot me over the website for this one.

    You'll have a blast!

  2. Wow - 50k! Good for you! I look forward to following your progress!

  3. Awesome! Good Luck!! I'd love to do an Ultra one day. Sounds like fun! I'm looking forward to hearing about your training. Whats the peak distance of the back to back long runs before you start tapering?
