Sunday, February 1, 2009

25 Things

1. I have two beautiful, amazing daughters who inspire me everyday

2. I am lucky to be their mom

3. I want to be a teacher when I grow up

4. my dream is to teach in an orphanage or children's home

5. I was adopted as a baby

6. hoping to go to Seoul next year

7. still learning to face my fears

8. stories of human trafficking keep me awake some nights

9. Every day I am thankful for freedom

10. I believe education is the best investment

11. love to run in the rain

12. recommend the book "The Audacity of Hope"

13. attempting to read the Bible cover to cover

14. this morning I feel blessed to have a job

15. Happiness is about endurance, struggle and accomplishment

16. in training for 2nd marathon, 1st triathlon

17. looking forward to a day when a candidate will take public office and the color of his or her skin will not be called out by the media

18. icecream is my weakness

19. I love the theater

20. I miss Albuquerque sunsets over the mesa

21. But Seattle feels like home

22. have discovered the art of belly dance

23. recently met my favorite author, Terry Brooks

24. always up for a run, a road trip, a hike, a board game, an americano

25. I hope there is running in heaven


  1. Cindy,
    Your Top 25 is quite inspiring and very well written -- it's given me some ideas. Super Blog -- I'm glad I ran into you.

    Happy Running,

  2. Hi Cindy,

    Thanks for your comment yesterday on my blog - I appreciate it. I love your 25 things - I might "steal" the idea for my blog! I ran the Yakima River Canyon Marathon a few years ago - it remains one of my favorite marathons - you will really enjoy it.

